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Data Management & Analytics Services

Spend Less Time in Spreadsheets, More time in Growth!

Data Management

Do you have a Data Management Plan? A DMP is critical for any size business to benefit in this compounding age of big data. 80% of companies don't leverage the data they already have at their disposal. Many times it's because the data is mismanaged or spread out across several areas of the organization. Our Data Management Service aligns these areas, cleans up the dirty and irrelevant data, and automates areas of entry and reporting so you can spend more time and energy on growth instead of managing spreadsheets.

Data Warehousing

Once data cleansing and proper attribution has taken place, we can focus on determining the best data warehousing strategy for your organization. Data warehousing involves identity the central location, or series of connected systems, that will handle storing your public or private data. This is typical handled by a database. There are many types of database, and many systems and third party SSaS products that can interface with them. We'll work closely with your stakeholders to understand the best data warehouse strategy for your unique needs. 

Dashboards & Reporting

It's time to take all the hard work of establishing our Data Management Plan and reward ourselves with gorgeous and informative reporting. Part of creating the Data Management Plan involves identifying necessary reporting requirements and metrics to showcase and leverage! These can include Executive Reports, Common Reports (Wk, mo, quarterly, yearly) , and other miscellaneous reporting assets that can be automated into dashboards . 

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